Waani, Sanjaya MulyaPerez, Elizabeth FurioWidyaningsih, Niluh PutuNaue, Tresya FebrinasariJournal of Namibian Studies
Tiny house (TH) characteristics in Indonesia based on Millennial's user preference (MUP) were presented. The characteristic of population, type of generation, and each city characteristic were first investigated for deciding MUP. Next, TH was investigated by analysing preferred housing sizes and ...
The results of crosstab analysis from the tabularised data-driven coding show that the characteristics of millennial housing norms and preferences are similar to those of the previous generation because of the millennials' financial dependency on their parents. That is, this situation allows parents ...
This paper aims to explore the self-naming system as a form of social change in millennial society. This paper uses a qualitative descriptive research method and a phenomenological strategy with an analytical descriptive type. The results of the study prove that changes in the self-naming system ...
Originality/value The difference between the results of this study and previous studies is possible because previous studies did not differentiate the unit of analysis for the millennial generation.Emerald Publishing LimitedInternational Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis...
THE ENTHUSIASM OF DIGITAL PAYMENT SERVICES AND MILLENNIAL CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN INDONESIAdoi:10.26668/businessreview/2023.v8i2.923Kamal, IrsyadRizki, Rahmah NurAulia, Muhammad RafifInternational Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview)
How Does Green Human Resources Management Practice Influence The Job Pursuit Intention of Millennial Generation in Indonesia and Malaysia?doi:10.30880/jtmb.2023.10.02.004Wahyuningsih, FitaKartika, LindawatiAbdullah, Abdul RashidJournal of Technology Management & Business (JTMB)...