Indonesia Foreign Investment - New Negative ListMark C. InnisMochamad FachriWimbanu Widyatmoko
Revising the negative investment list has been widely seen as an important step in attracting more foreign investment in Indonesia and stimulating the economy. Indeed, the government of Indonesia is planning to mitigate the slowing trend in economic growth, and foreign direct investment in particular,...
Revising the negative investment list has been widely seen as an important step in attracting more foreign investment in Indonesia and stimulating the economy. Indeed, the government of Indonesia is planning to mitigate the slowing trend in economic growth, and foreign direct investment in particular,...
Ensure Your Business is on the Positive Investment List Whereas foreign business owners were previously blocked from many industries, the government changed from producing a Negative Investment List to aPositive Investment List, which outlines the 245 business fields that are fully open and allow 100%...
been liberalised for foreign investment under the 2016 Negative List. The maximum foreign investment of construction planning activities have also been increased from 55% to 67%. More importantly, the 2016 Negative List has now increased the minimum construction work value for foreign investment to:...
In a further change, theOmnibus Lawalso revises the procedures relating to sectors where foreign investment is not permitted. This seesArticle 12ofLaw No. 25/2007 amended and the negative investment list abolished. This has been replaced by a list of business sectors where investment is proscribe...
Indonesia Negative List of Investment Number 36 of 2010 This document was downloaded from ASEAN Briefing ( and was compiled by the tax experts at Dezan Shira & Associates ( Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice...
Most recently, the government in November 2018 announced a significant liberalization of the country’s Negative Investment List whereby some 54 business sectors, where foreign investment was previously either prohibited or restricted, are to be now opened up to full overseas ownership. Indonesia has ...
2. Is the sector I want to invest in open to foreign investment? If yes, what is the percentage of ownership allowed to foreign investors? For the answer, take a closer look at the Negative Investment List (latest revision done through Presidential Regulation No. 44/2016). If the sector...
Yudhoyono, who cannot seek a third five-year term, said the revisions to the decades-old negative investment list would attract overseas investors, as it opened up pharmaceuticals and advertising to more foreign involvement. But the 104-page document also introduced limits for new foreign in...