against separatist rebels from the Free Aceh Movement, or GAM. Indonesia's short-term political risk rating has fallen to 51.0 from 52.0 due to the government's military offensive in Aceh.Indonesia's economy will grow in 2003.Lawlessness and a poor legal system is harming the business in ...
*Environmental, social and governance (ESG)issues are becoming increasingly important to companies, investors and consumers in Southeast Asia. That is why we are now preparing a separate ESG score and section with our quarterly country risk reports. We explain how each country rates, looking at th...
Birth Rate [+]202216.20‰ Remittance sent ($M) [+]2017877.7 Crude death rate [+]20229.59‰ Fertility Rate [+]20222.15 % risk of poverty [+]20239.4% Population [+]2023278,696,000 Immigrant stock [+]2020355,505 Emigrant stock [+]20204,601,369 ...
A credit rating is an assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower (in general terms or with respect to a particular debt or financial obligation).Loading data Please wait For a detailed analysis Indonesia Credit Ratings History Indonesia Interest Rates...
It’s sobering to see the people of Aceh’s reaction to today’s earthquakes, even in the hills where I am just now and where there’s no risk of a tsunami. The girl I was talking to went so faint that she to had to be helped out of the building for the second earthquake, 8.8...
For example, server loads, quality of servers in the country – all of this matters. Do note that just because a VPN server is close by, doesn’t mean that it is always the best and fastest for you. Some countries may have inherently weaker infrastructure than others, or perhaps some ...
ESG and Sovereign Risk: What is Priced in by the Bond Market and Credit Rating Agencies? In this paper, we examine the materiality of ESG on country creditworthiness from a credit risk and fundamental analysis viewpoint. We first determine the ESG indicators that are most relevant when it come...
funds‚ exchanged traded funds (ETFs)‚ along with stocks or bonds traded in the perspective country. As part of the analysis process of selectingforeignsecurities the investor normally studies therisk-rating/politicalriskmap of the specific country where the investment is being consider (Johnstone...
Overall rating India 8.5/10 43 User reviews Indonesia 9.0/10 31 User reviews Features Safety 7.4/10 42 votes 8.2/10 31 votes Food and drink 8.5/10 42 votes 9.3/10 31 votes Natural beauty 8.9/10 42 votes 9.7/10 31 votes Low pollution ...
Under the agency's National Rating scale, this rating is assigned to the lowest default risk relative to others in the same country. Where the liquidity profile is particularly strong, a "+" is added to the assigned rating. Key Rating Drivers Support-Driven Ratings: The IDRs and National ...