Indonesia and the Malay World is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to the publication of scholarship in the arts and humanities on maritime Southeast Asia. It particularly focuses on the study of the languages, literatures, art, archaeology, history, religion, anthropology, performing arts,...
Indonesia and the Malay WorldAHCIPubMed 发文量502 被引量1,979 影响因子(2023)0.873 Indonesia and the Malay World is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to the publication of scholarship in the arts and humanities on maritime Southeast Asia. It particularly focuses on the study of the lan...
《印度尼西亚与马来世界》(Indonesia And The Malay World)是一本以ASIAN STUDIES综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Taylor & Francis出版商刊期3 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦ASIAN STUDIES领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流...
Indonesia And The Malay World由Taylor & Francis出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖ASIAN STUDIES全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 ,影响因子指数0.7,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一试。中科院分区(数据...
Indonesia And The Malay World is a peer-reviewed academic journal focused on maritime arts and humanities in the Southeast Asian region, particularly in Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago. The journal provides a platform for scholars to present and discuss their research, covering a wide range of...
CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Yamauchi, Edwin M.PUBLISHER: Baker Book House (Grand Rapids, Mich.). SERIES TITLE: YEAR: 1996. PUBTYPE: Book (ISBN 0801021081 ). VOLUME/EDITION: 1st paperback edition.doi:10.1080/13639819708729895G E MarrisonTaylor & Francis GroupIndonesia & the Malay World...
Indonesia and the Malay World《印尼与马来世界》 (Email投稿)的纠错信息 各位老师、同学们好: 全站一万多个期刊,我们都是每天人工滚动核实、更新其投稿信息,循环一遍大概需要七八个月时间,其间肯定会有变更了的期刊信息难以被及时发现,为保证信息准确不耽误大家投稿,欢迎您积极参与纠错!为表感谢,凡对国内期刊以下10...
期刊全称 Indonesia and the Malay World 1.5 CiteScore 75 过去四年文献总数 111 过去四年引用总数 63 % 被引用比率 Print ISSN 1363-9811 出版社 Taylor & Francis Scopus链接 开放出版 Open Access 否...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址:http://www.tandfonline.comIndonesia and the Malay World《印尼与马来世界》(Email投稿)的期刊点评返回该期刊 本刊点评浏览 暂无点评信息 我要点评 欢迎点评!让信息更透明,使投稿更轻松!关于...