Indonesia postal code consists of 5 digit number in which every digit has a unique indications, and those indications of each digit is shown below; The first digit indicates the location of post office The second and third digit indicates the city in nation ...
SWIFT Code BRINIDJA002 Bank Code BRIN - code assigned to PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO), TBK Country Code ID - code belongs to Indonesia Location & Status JA - represents location, second digit 'A' means active code Branch Code 002 - indicates this is a branch office 80% of...
SWIFT Code BRINTLDD or BRINTLDDXXX Bank Code BRIN - code assigned to PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK, R.P. Country Code TL - code belongs to Timor Leste Location & Status DD - represents location, second digit 'D' means active code Branch Code XXX or not assigned, indica...
+0000 - sign character (+) followed by a four digit time providing hours (00) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates zero hour and zero minutes time differences of the zero meridian. Military/NATO: Used by the U.S. military, Chinese military and others Zulu - Military abbreviation fo...
CEIC提供的进口:印度尼西亚:其他运输设备数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于政府统计处,数据归类于全球数据库的中国香港特别行政区 – Table HK.JA028: Imports: by Country and Commodity: by 2 Digit SITC Code。查看图表中 2012-01 到2024-10 期间的中国香港特别行政区 中国香港特别...
-0600 - sign character (-) followed by a four digit time providing hours (06) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates six hour and zero minutes time differences to the west of the zero meridian. Military/NATO: Used by the U.S. military, Chinese military and others Sierra - Military...
Where can I find the HTS number for my goods? You can find the HTS number for your goods within their relevant chapter of the current HTS online. You can also locate it using the official HTS search tool, although it’s important to read the disclaimer. Always cross-check with the offic...
The first number after an entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which the subject begins. Hence, 4: 0200 directs the researcher to Frame 0200 of Reel 4. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial ...
1.1 (1st Jan), 2.2 (2nd Feb), 3.3 (3rd March) … each month, many Indonesian retailers use the “double digit” day to lay on deals and discounts. Ensure you schedule your sales promotions for these dates if you want to cash in!
Notes: Dom refers to domestic; All estimations include firm and industry (2-digit ISIC)*year fixed effects; All dependent variables are measured in their natural log of real value, except those in columns (1) and (6), which are in natural log of nominal numbers; errors are clustered at ...