Translation of "Indo Pacific Ocean" into Chinese 印度太平洋, 印度太平洋 are the top translations of "Indo Pacific Ocean" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: Around three million years ago, during the Pliocene epoch, Central America emerged from the sea, effectively cutting off currents ...
However, maritime connectivity is a common thread that binds the region and the proposal for an Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative by India seeks to improve regional maritime governance by focusing on the common regional challenges. This article examines how this could be done by leveraging extant ...
美国表示,美国的印度-太平洋(Indo-Pacific)战略是对从太平洋(the Pacific Ocean)到印度次大陆这一地区的“牢不可破和持久的承诺”。 上图: 美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥在2018年7月30日的讲话中。(© Alex Wong/Getty Images) 美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)2018年在阐述美国战略的时候说,“印度-太平洋...
Indopacific Ocean_珊瑚_礁石图片素材大全提供各类场景PSD,AI,CDR,EPS,矢量素材,Docer提供Indopacific Ocean图库素材,珊瑚背景下载,礁石psd素材,更多有关Indopacific Ocean_珊瑚_礁石图片下载,广告设计素材,VI设计素材,电商模板素材请关注稻壳儿网
GazetteerIndo-Pacific:Cocos-KeelingIslandsin the easternIndianOceantowesternPacificandislandsofOceania. 印度-太平洋:东印度洋中的可可群岛-基灵群岛到西太平洋与大洋洲的岛屿。 10. Indo-Pacific:Red SeasouthtoMozambiqueandeast to thePhoenixIslands,northtoJapan,southtoAustralia. ...
Define Indopacific. Indopacific synonyms, Indopacific pronunciation, Indopacific translation, English dictionary definition of Indopacific. adj of or relating to the region of the Indian and W Pacific Oceans off the coast of SE Asia n a hypothetical fami
The meaning of INDO-PACIFIC is of or relating to the Indo-Malayan areas of the Pacific Ocean. How to use Indo-Pacific in a sentence.
Fast-forward to the late twentieth century, the Asia-Pacific emerged as a new regional construct with the world’s largest ocean – the Pacific – at its heart. What was previously seen as a geographical barrier is instead seen through the lens of connectivity, where shipping lanes and flight...
Regarding the ocean memory that anchors the summer AAC, competing hypotheses emphasize either SST cooling in the easterly trade wind regime of the Northwest Pacific or SST warming in the westerly monsoon regime of the North Indian Ocean. Our synthesis reveals a coupled ocean–atmosphere mode that ...
Our models project that both Kappaphycus species will lose habitats along the coasts of Malaysia and Indonesia in the Central Indo-Pacific Ocean. Our analysis suggests that in the areas of predicted habitat loss, the annual mean of sea surface temperature (SST) is the main factor that has chang...