CO2emissions need to be reduced drastically to fight climate change and minimise the further increase of average global temperatures. The decarbonisation of the energy system aims at reducing CO2emissions and is thus urgently needed. This transition is facilitated by inter alia switching to renewable...
Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Scarlett Johansson are almost ridiculously good-looking: a fire-alarm probably should sound when they look at each other—they are dangerous together, and the film might have been called An American Tragedy in London, or What Nola Knew and What Chris Did About It. The...
I don’t like giving in. Sometimes, sure. Being self-indulgent can be comforting, and there are times when eating an ice cream sundae or taking a napshouldtake precedence over staying on a diet or doing the laundry. But other times it feels like the nefarious power of‘I don’t wanna...