有人遇到过相同情况吗usps显示已投递但是individual picked up 个人从快递点取件 点击展开,查看完整图片 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-06-05 14:15回复 学习资料孩 初涉江湖 1 我的两个4号的和你的一样 2楼2022-06-05 20:36 收起回复 yan...
中环转运吧 若丶逍遥 USPS Your item was picked up at a postal facility请问这种情况怎么办啊,Your item was picked up at a postal facility at 6:00 pm on July 4, 2023 in PORTLAND, OR 97230.还能入库么 分享3213 转运中国吧 zl0014234 个人在邮政设施提取Delivered, individual picked...
2023-10-08 07:15 FREMONT, CA 94538, Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item 2023-10-08 05:15 FREMONT, CA 94538, Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item 2023-10-08 03:15 FREMONT, CA 94538, Picked Up by Shipping Partner, USPS Awaiting Item 2023-10-07 18:15 ...
tuberculosis USPs, with the exception of Rv1636 and kdpD, are upregulated during macrophage infection,32 we determined whether any of our usp mutants exhibited a survival deficiency in macrophages. Initially, we looked at survival in the murine macrophage-like cell line J774 (Figure 6), and by...
To establish responsible, professional credibility beyond the days of the ’60s and ’70s as an Art Department Rookie, a Record Store Manager and Record and Tape Rack Jobber, 00individual experienced successful careers as a USPS Postman in Malibu (Postman to the Stars) and would get high at ...
这是个后续贴,上次的贴说到我已经让amazon补寄的那一单已经签收,但十几天了仍然未签收,我已经厚脸皮让amazon客服人员给我退了两次钱了,amazon那边的是我这样的情况也表示能理解,很快也把钱退给我了。但我至今仍然不知道这几个在usps官网上清清楚楚显示已签收(Individual picked up at postal facility)的包裹去...
个人在邮政设施提取..Delivered, individual picked up at postal facility.以往都是只有一个Delivered, 第一次遇到这种, 会不会被冒领啊很担心,有没有大神遇到过..