Knowledge of the investment rules adopted by breeders and non-breeders, and the factors that affect them, is essential to understanding cooperative breeding as part of a life-history tactic. Although the factors that affect relative contributions to care of young have been studied in some cooperativ...
KMT, TJL, RGS, TJJJ, SRD, RJS, BLH, MDL are employees of Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC; Hamilton, New Zealand), a commercial provider of bovine germplasm. JEP is an employee of Agriculture Victoria (Bundoora, Australia). All other authors declare that they have no competing interests...
Individual introduces customizable alert serviceFocuses on Individual Inc.'s Alert, an intra-day news service. Features; Applications; Product support; Contact information.Database
Patients for I-FORCE are recruited from the referrals to the NPI, a Dutch mental health care centre specialized in treatment of PDs. Patients are preselected to the NPI by the central referral department of Arkin after screening for PD and previous treatment. The NPI is a specialist care prov...
Mobilizing for "real democracy" and social justice For the social scientist, however, the questions of who, why and how mobilizes are not so simple. There are specific problematics of mediation between structure, culture and individual or collective agency that need to be addressed... B Tejerina...
=TEXTJOIN(";",TRUE,A1:A3) Combines your texts in A1:A3 and separates them with a semicolon. Is that what you need? dscheikey Hi, thanks for the response. But not what I'm looking for. let me try to explain it better. when using tables, if have obviously several c...
{"$schema":"","elmType":"button","txtContent":"Run Flow","customRowAction":{"action":"executeFlow","actionParams":"{\"id\": \"355cfb96-ddc5-4911-956c-9705f7557ee5\"}"},"style...
Ibrat, Syeda Nuzhat ESocial Science Electronic PublishingIbrat, S.N.E., 2015. Women in leadership: the role of individual agency in leadership career decisions of female executives in South Australian public service (Doctoral dissertation).
Our specific focus is a multi-level analysis of the destructiveness of taken-for-granted belief and behavior. First, we consider how individuals are guided in their perception of environmental problems through cognitive biases. Second, we consider how individuals are influenced in these perceptions ...
In September 2011, an invitation was sent to 1,182 office em- ployees of a financial service provider in The Netherlands, to participate in the project. A total of 412 employees (response: 35%) from 19 departments completed the base- line questionnaire and signed the informed consent form,...