Conclusions Many of the amenable barriers and facilitators to physical activity were beyond the intrapersonal level, based on higher levels of the socio‐ecological model (social, organisational and community). Multi‐level interventions are needed to effectively address all barriers....
In the case of the full version, the initial heterogeneity disappears and the selected game is the "Stag Hunt."doi:10.1155/2007/18636H. FortResearch Letters in EcologyInternational Journal of EcologyH. Fort. Evolving ecological social dilemmas: A spatial individual-based model for the evolution ...
We combined multiple time series data from digital acoustic recording tags (DTAG) as well as group-level social behavior data from visual observations of tagged whales at the surface. The data were classified into near-surface behaviors and dive types (using a hidden Markov model for dive ...
Since the late 1980s, the focus has been widened up to more multi-level approaches that also integrate factors at the environmental level to explain health-related behaviors [8]. Within the last decade, several PA-specific social-ecological models have been proposed and provide a more holistic ...
In the following paragraphs, we examine the evidence gained from individual level studies demonstrating (1) the importance of subjective experiences of community to health, (2) that community is inextricably grounded in the place and is (3) (re)produced through our social interactions. Individual-...
In addition, the sub-levels of 3-A – One-to-One relationships, Level 4-A – Inter-Departmental relationships and Level 5-A Inter-Organisational relationships with their environment in the community are included. This model reflects the three levels at which potentials for conflict, or ...
Patterns used for validating the model results against empirical and simulated data are trajectories for maximum sizes, metabolic activities, or reproductive outputs and ranged, therefore, from the individual krill or salp to the population level known from the literature (Ikeda 1981; Ikeda and Mitchel...
Ambient air pollution has posed negative effects on human health. Individual-level factors may modify this effect, but previous studies have controversial conclusions, and evidence is lacking especially in developing countries. This study aims to examine
Significant deviations that are observed are basically due to the markers that also exhibit Mendelian errors of genotyping in related individuals, due to genotyping errors. The presence of relatives also does not affect the estimates of allele frequencies at the SNP sites at the genome-wide level,...
infinitely prouder, to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. The one has the potentialities of death; the other embodies creation and life. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. General Doug...