However, evidence from multiple independent studies underscores the pronounced inter-individual variability in the spatial layout of functional networks, commonly referred to as functional topography, in both youths and adults [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]. This personalized functional topography h...
Baillie JK, Bretherick A, Haley CS, Clohisey S, Gray A, Neyton LPA, Barrett J, Stahl EA, Tenesa A, Andersson R, Brown JB, Faulkner GJ, Lizio M, Schaefer U, Daub C, Itoh M, Kondo N, Lassmann T, Kawai J, Mole D, Bajic VB, Heutink P, Rehli M, Kawaji H, Consortium I,...
Deep neural networks (DNNs) excel at visual recognition tasks and are increasingly used as a modeling framework for neural computations in the primate brain. Just like individual brains, each DNN has a unique connectivity and representational profile. He
2015. Heritability of individual psychotic experiences captured by common genetic variants in a community sample of adolescents. Behav. Genet. 45(5):493-502Sieradzka, D., Power, R. A., Freeman, D., Cardno, A. G., Dudbridge, F., & Ronald, A. (2015). Heritability of Individual ...
Goel et al178 Breast Baseline LVEF and LVEF change Death due to HF, acute MI, cardiac arrhythmia, ischemia, or MI; NYHA functional class III or IV; an asymptomatic decrease in LVEF of >15%; an asymptomatic decrease in LVEF >10% to an absolute value <50% Therapy-related factorsProspective...
Both diets worked equally well among the higher SES participants (social class I or II). Among the lower SES participants (III-V) the low carbohydrate diet was particularly effective at 3 months (post-intervention) (weight loss = 5.0 kg vs 3.0 kg; 95% CI of difference = 0.3–3.9) but...
Transition times to drug use disorders (DUDs) have been shown to differ widely depending on substance class.38 Because most surveys assessed DUDs at the general illicit drug level, it was not possible to evaluate transition times at the drug-specific level. The estimates presented here therefore ...
A pluralistic approach to concept formation considers that object concepts can derive from perceptual similarity and contextual relations, their involvement varying according to individuals and object domain. Three experiments with children provided convergent results supporting this view. First, a longitudinal...
Solid-state nanopores are a highly versatile class of single-molecule sensors that can provide rich information about local properties of long charged biopolymers using the current blockage patterns generated during analyte translocation, and provide a novel platform for characterization of TF-DNA ...
The individual setfaferctstiavtetrimeperot =du tc1twiointhntuhme sboelretiankfeesctiendtoinadccivoiudnutatlhi,eafnadcttt2hisatthine ending time of the finite populations, which is the focus of the present study, some individuals may be infected by others before having a chance to...