Indirect retainerOcclusal restRemovable partial dentureThe clasp assemblies act as the direct retainers of the RPDs without precision attachments. In this chapter, infrabulge and suprabulge of clasp assemblies used in RPD design are described with their specific features. Components of the clasp ...
Biomechanical Property and Biocompatibility of a New Silicone Rubber Nasal Retainer (Nostriloo) Nasal retainers have been utilized to maintain the position of the nose after primary rhinoplasty in cleft lip patients. However, commercial nasal retainer... B Kristaninta,W Dwi,K Prasetyanugraheni,......
Indirect vs direct bonding of mandibular fixed retainers in orthodontic patients: Comparison of retainer failures and posttreatment stability. A 2-year fol... Introduction The objectives of this 2-arm parallel trial were to compare the numbers of failures of mandibular fixed retainers bonded with in...