How to Use the Excel INDIRECT Range: 8 Easiest Ways Method 1 – Using the INDIRECT Range to Get a Value Through a Cell Reference We want to get the values of the cell range C4:C8 from Quarter-1. In cell H4, insert the following formula: =INDIRECT("C4:C8") In the INDIRECT functio...
Here we have a worksheet having values in different sheets. We need to extract a list of values using the formulaUse the formula:=INDIRECT ( $C$3 & "!" & CELL("address",B1))Explanation:When extracting a value from the different sheet. The excel accepts a syntax which is Sheet1!B1....
To help you in doing the change from text writing of a cell coordinate to a reference form in a formula, then you can use excel INDIRECT formula. INDIRECT function in excel can help you to turn a coordinate text data into a cell reference as you need in data analysis. It is very ...
Here we have a worksheet having values in different sheets. We need to extract a list of values using the formulaUse the formula:=INDIRECT ( $C$3 & "!" & CELL("address",B1))Explanation:When extracting a value from the different sheet. The excel accepts a syntax which is Sheet1!B1....
#REF! in INDIRECT All the parameters used in the INDEX formula in Excel, such as Row_num, Column_num, and Area_num, should refer to a cell within the array defined; otherwise, the INDEX function on Excel will return #REF! error value. Download the Practice Workbook Download the following...
Step 1:Open Excel and create a new or existing workbook where you want to use the INDIRECT function. Step 2:Let’s enter some data into the following Cells A1 to A3: A1: 20 A2: 40 A3: 60 Step 3:In a different cell, let's say cell B1, enter the following formula=INDIRECT("A1"...
To sail smoothly in Excel, you must watch out for circular references, which happen when a formula refers to its own cell either directly or through a chain of references. This can lead to incorrect calculations or Excel refusing to calculate at all. When using INDIRECT, it’s crucial to ...
Upon doing that, Excel automatically accommodated the changes in the formula, bringing it to the following. =SUM(C3:C11) This will skip the top entry and we will not get the correct sum. To ensure that Excel maintains a specific cell range irrespective of such changes, we can use the ...
Excel INDIRECT tutorial explains the function's syntax, basic uses and provides a number of formula examples that demonstrate how to use INDIRECT in Excel.
Suppose you have a sheet with different values in cells A1 to A7. You can calculate the sum of the range using the INDIRECT function. Here's the formula you'll use: =SUM(INDIRECT("A1:A7")) This formula uses the INDIRECT function to refer to the range (A1:A7) and then uses theSUM...