2010. Nonprofit Sector: Treatment and Reimbursement of Indirect Costs Vary among Grants, and Depend Significantly on Federal, State, and Local Government Practices. GAO-10-477. Washington, DC: US Government Accountability Office. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10477.pdf....
Discussion of issues in higher education; Significance of the controversy over the system for recovering the costs of carrying out federal research grants and contracts; Government's proposal of different ways to reduce indirect-cost payments on grants from the National Institutes of Health....
Direct Costs means the sum of the following: Allowable Costs means the costs defined as allowable in 42 CFR, Chapter IV, Part 413, as amended to October 1, 2007, except for the purposes of calculating direct medical education costs, where only the reported costs of the interns and residents...
In addition to above-mentioned goals, the Regulations [12. (1)] also make provision for organs of State to give particular consideration to procuring locally manufactured products. Support Cost Rate means the flat rate at which the Partner will be reimbursed by UN Women for its Support Costs,...
The federal government and the univer- sities have been squabbling for years about the mechanicsm for paying the indirect costs - such as rent, heat and administra- tion - which universities incur as a result of carrying out federally funded research. but the latest proposal from NIH, which...
creation of theFederal Indirect Costs Program. Universities continue to lobby in this regard and it is the expectation at the University of Toronto that, unless the granting agency has a standing policy against it, researchers will include a provision for indirect costs in their research proposals....
4.0Implementation 4.1Grantsdonotnormallyincludefundsforoverheadcosts,exceptincaseswherethesponsor acceptsoverheadasanallowableexpense.Agreements-asdistinguishedfromgrants- usuallyhavefairlybasictermsdefinedlargelybytheresearchersthemselves,butwithina morerigorouslegalframeworkthanisnormallythecasewithgrants.Occasionally, ...
These changes could potentially reduce tax compliance and administrative costs, while also increasing and promoting equitable tax collection. For instance, in the case of the potential revenue administration overhaul in Nigeria, the expectation is that there would be efficiencies ...
内容提示: Overhead (Indirect Cost) Recovery Office of Research Services Policy Effective: Page 1 of 2 Revised: 1.0 Purpose 1.1 A charge for overhead or indirect costs is normally levied only on all payroll costs (wages plus fringe benefits), and must be included in all contract proposals. ...