A passenger on an IndiGo, Chennai-Tiruchirappalli flight opened the emergency door on December 10, last year, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) informed through an official communication on Tuesday, adding that it had taken due note of the incident and has ordered a probe into it...
· Customise your passenger details on the IndiGo app. · Get 6E Add-ons recommendation as per the fare type, alerts about new services, and more. · Exclusive female-friendly seats for solo female travellers on the IndiGo air ticket booking app. ...
Apassenger, Sahil Kataria, on the IndiGo flight number 6E 2175, between Delhi and Goa, was arrested after he assaulted the co-pilot, Anup Kumar, and when he was announcing a delay in takeoff at theDelhi airport, the police said on Monday. In a ...
Unfortunately, on arrival, the passenger was declared dead by the airport medical team."“We are deeply saddened by the news and our prayers and wishes are with his family and loved ones. We’re currently making arrangements for transferring the other passengers of th...