Indigenous Relations & Nuclear Account ManagerCanada Acknowledgement of Traditional Land We respect and appreciate the traditional land where we work. As an important step in the process of raising awareness and building lasting relationships with Indigenous groups,Acknowledgement of traditional landhelps us...
Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) by the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) in recognition of our commitment to improve relations by being good business partners, providing equitable access to jobs and training, and supporting sustainability in Indigenous communities and...
or need a web designer, there’s an Indigenous business that caters to your needs. To celebrate and reflect this richness and diversity — and to help you support Native businesses and communities — I’ve curated this list of 88 Indigenous-owned businesses in the US and Canada. ...
Indigenous peoples are not economically dependent on Canada; Canada is economically dependent on the exploitation of indigenous lands (and on the subjugation of indigenous peoples who would protect those lands). When indigenous peoples refuse to accept resource extraction on their lands, the reactionaries...
“Thanks to the recent research (Oct 2021) carried out by our partners at CCAB, we know that Indigenous women entrepreneurs across Canada have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, and we see stepping up and supporting these economic initiatives as one way to live out our ‘...
3 Nation participate in forest management, land use planning and local citizen committees, contributing valuable perspectives and expertise. Resolute is committed to supporting and maintaining constructive relationships with First Nations and other Indigenous communities in its operating regions in Canada. ...
In conclusion, “assistive approaches modify ways of approaching nature, restrict traditional uses in favour of tourism, weaken local management institutions and degrade environmental and social relations.” The assistive approach “undermines the cultural, economic and local environment while creating new ...
"It's a clothes' closet specifically for those going on job interviews or start- ing new jobs where they need the right clothes," said James Dry, District 9 council- man for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO). It got underway in 2018 on a small scale when June and Richard Sidles ...
Back in 1975 Dr. Howard Adams (1921-2001) wrote about hisPrison of Grass: Canada from a Native Point of View,“This book reveals the infamous record of the federal government in supporting the native people of Canada.” Adams’ classic book was reissued in 1989 with a cover statement that...
Mike O’Blenis, AV Group Canada CEO and an OSFMI industry partner, says “Trust and respect have been the guiding principles in our engagement with our First Nation partners. We could not have arrived at this collective achievement otherwise.” ...