Nicaragua: Indigenous People Vow To Preserve Their LandsCarmen Herrera
Transformation in God: Change, Regret, and Inconsistency in the Deity of the Hebrew BibleAcademic Activities at Religious Universities from a Historical PerspectiveAcceleration and Resonance: Young People and Religion from a Global PerspectiveAdolescent Religious DevelopmentAfrica, Globalization and the Muslim...
When capitalized,Native Americanspecifically refers to an Indigenous inhabitant of the Americas, especially of the lands that became known as the United States, or a descendant of such people. A person who was simply born in the US could be referred to as anative American, but such use should...
Saramaka People versus Suriname (2007) IACtHR, Series C No 172, para 133. 108. Ibid., para 134. 109. Centre for Minority Rights Development (Kenya) and Minority Rights Group International on Behalf of Endorois Welfare Council versus Kenya (2010) ACommHPR, Comm No 276 / 2003, para 291...
In fact, indigenous, or native, peoples have lived in rainforests for many thousands of years. Early accounts of these people by European explorers indicate a far denser population lived in the forest than today. Many of these original peoples, such as the Caribs (after whom the Caribbean Sea...
Information about the Indigenous Peoples Forum held during the forum of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) held in Nicaragua on February 11, 2013 is presented. Topics discussed during the meeting include the best approaches for gender identity, the decentralization of agroindustry...
Abstract Guatemala is a strongly multicultural country. According to different estimations, indigenous people represent among the 41% and 60% of the total population. However, the State has been traditionally monocultural and has historically denied indigenous rights. The emergence of the indigenous movem...
Most of these landholdings are still largely covered by native (primary or secondary) forest. In addition, 30 sites within the departments of Alta and Baja Verapaz and Izabal project area that are considered sacred to indigenous people of Mayan origin and to the Afro-Hispanic Garifunas. ...
Indig en ou s people s hav e be en the v i ctim s of p olitica l repression and phy sica l ex tinction . they usua lly fi n d them selv es caug ht be tw een fi re during arm ed confl ic ts, they suffer sy stematic discrim ination, even in countries where they...
Nicaragua's North Atlantic Autonomous Region provides a rich setting in which to study issues of multilevel natural resource governance. In addition to the devolution policies that have created official indigenous territories, the central government has decentralised important powers over natural resources ...