With humour, warmth and heartbreaking honesty, award-winning author David A. Roberston explores the struggles and small victories of living with chronic anxiety and depression, and shares his hard-earned wisdom in the hope of making other people’s mental health journeys a little less lonely ...
Indigenous communities, nations, and people are cultural groups that exist in a variety of geopolitical and social settings, usually as a minority. UN officers estimate the number of indigenous populations to reach 300–370 million worldwide, or 5–7% of the total population of the world across...
Sci. USA. 119, e2115859119 (2022). Simmonds, M. S. J. et al. Biodiversity and patents: overview of plants and fungi covered by patents. Plants People Planet 2, 546–556 (2020). Article Google Scholar Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework for the Sharing of Influenza Viruses ...
people, digital infrastructure, and data27(Fig.1). Fig. 1: Indigenous lands and Earth science field sites. Overlaying the major Earth Science network sites and NEON domains on a map of traditional and current Indigenous territories of North America from Native Lands Digital (native-land.ca) ...
(suicid* or "self harm"); (communit* or fam- ily or families or caregiver* or gatekeeper*); (awareness or prevent* or know* or educat* or train or trained or training); (indigenous people/ or alaska native/ or ameri- can indian/ or canadian aboriginal/ or first nation/ or ...
This would provide a more comprehensive reading of the cumulative and compound impacts that these people and places may face across multiple sectors. While multi-scale, multi-sector analysis is being conducted at a global scale (Lèbre et al., 2021; Owen et al., 2023; Kennedy et al., 2023...
1, Fig. 2, which provide a snapshot of the distribution of indigenous people and languages in Mexico. Based on census data, Fig. 1 shows the proportion of municipal population that ‘self-identifies’ as indigenous. The second map, in Fig. 2, shows the proportion of people who actually ...
Many desert paintings use aerial perspective, where the land is seen from above as if painting a map of the artist’s country. This comes from the need for Aboriginal people to keep deep knowledge of their country in picture form and in a song cycle so that they could carry large amount...
Temprano told Mashable that the map initially served as a "kind of resource pointed at settlers and non-indigenous people to, in a not-too-confrontational way, start thinking about indigenous history." Since then, Temprano says it's become a broader resource, used by native folks and ...
people, and their valuable long black tails with white fluffy ends were used in cultural practices associated with their deep symbolism in love and marriage1. Indigenous knowledge, bilby songlines, ceremonies and stories exist across Australia, linking sites and people. Their strong connection to the...