Nicaragua: Indigenous People Vow To Preserve Their LandsCarmen Herrera
Feiring B (2009) Indigenous & tribal people’s rights in practice: a guide to ILO Convention No. 169.—ed_norm/—normes/documents/publication/wcms_106474.pdf Frost SE (1998) Waste management in the uranium mining industry.
A 'Q and A' session from Rainforest Action Network, to help older children learn about indigenous populations living in the Amazon and other rainforests. See all Amazon Rainforest ToursQ: Who are indigenous people? A: Rainforests are bursting with life. Not only do millions of species of ...
Transformation in God: Change, Regret, and Inconsistency in the Deity of the Hebrew BibleAcademic Activities at Religious Universities from a Historical PerspectiveAcceleration and Resonance: Young People and Religion from a Global PerspectiveAdolescent Religious DevelopmentAfrica, Globalization and the Muslim...
Increasingly, the wordPeoplesis often capitalized in the context ofIndigenous Peoplesdue to the fact that it refers not to people in general but to specific communities. Indigenous Peoples are not a monolith When referring to the original inhabitants of a land generally,Indigenousis perhaps the most...
Guatemala is a strongly multicultural country. According to different estimations, indigenous people represent among the 41% and 60% of the total population. However, the State has been traditionally monocultural and has historically denied indigenous ri
Nicaragua's North Atlantic Autonomous Region provides a rich setting in which to study issues of multilevel natural resource governance. In addition to the devolution policies that have created official indigenous territories, the central government has decentralised important powers over natural resources ...
Information about the Indigenous Peoples Forum held during the forum of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) held in Nicaragua on February 11, 2013 is presented. Topics discussed during the meeting include the best approaches for gender identity, the decentralization of agroindustry...
(Russia, Norway, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, and New Zealand), while the potential expansion of commercial agriculture is more widely dispersed in 14 countries (Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Myanmar, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nepal, Guyana, Nicaragua, Belize...
people s h as b een in corporated in a rtic le 2 7 of the International Cov e nant O n Civil And Political Rights rICCPR)一、Vhich refers to the right of persons belonging to ethnic,religious or linguistic minorities,to enj oy their own cu lture ,to profess and pra ctice their...