What is an indigenous person's legal identity? A people's identity? How is it determined? Who determines it? Such simple questions have so often generated complex and confusing answers.J. WunderLaw Text CultureWunder, J. (1998). Indigenous peoples, identity, history and law: The United ...
To solidify Indigenous Data Sovereignty69 robust information on (1) provenance about place, people, and processes, (2) access and use permissions of samples, and (3) community protocols for use and reuse is important. Additionally, recent studies have also highlighted the importance of clearly ...
Feiring B (2009) Indigenous & tribal people’s rights in practice: a guide to ILO Convention No. 169. www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/—normes/documents/publication/wcms_106474.pdf Frost SE (1998) Waste management in the uranium mining industry. www.world-nuclear.org/sym/199...
(2019). Indigenous People, Vulnerability and the Security Dilemma: Sámi School Education on the Kola Peninsula, 1917–1991. In: Kortekangas, O., Keskitalo, P., Nyyssönen, J., Kotljarchuk, A., Paksuniemi, M., Sjögren, D. (eds) Sámi Educational History in a Comparative ...
My Country, Mine Country: Indigenous People, Mining and Development Contestation in Remote Australia (CAEPR Monograph 33) Australia National University Press (2013) https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/33543/459939.pdf Google Scholar 109 M. Barelli Free, prior and informed consen...
pdf poster Programs for Indigenous People Publisher:Banff CentreDate:November 5th, 2024 Categories:Students ConferencesType: A sample of our programs: -Indigenous Arts - Our programs are highly transformative, situate rigour and exploration at their centre, and are inspired by ‘power of place’ here...
(1985) History of the Ojibway People. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press.Turpel, M. E. (1992). Indigenous Peoples' rights of political participation and self-determination: Recent international legal developments and the continuing struggle for recognition. Cornell International Law Journal,...
books used in classrooms, and of the reader’s interpretation of the literature, are both important to support children’s development of strong cultural identities. We define cultural authenticity in terms of cultural perspectives, values, and experiences of the people represented in the book [3]...
Transformation in God: Change, Regret, and Inconsistency in the Deity of the Hebrew BibleAcademic Activities at Religious Universities from a Historical PerspectiveAcceleration and Resonance: Young People and Religion from a Global PerspectiveAdolescent Religious DevelopmentAfrica, Globalization and the Muslim...
As one year passed to the next without resolution, however, people from both communities came to see the margin of the road as a site of incarceration. In the words of a young man, from Yakye Axa: “It is like I have lived my whole life in prison. We have tried everything to ...