This paper seeks to engage critically with this scholarship by insisting on the distinct places Indigenous peoples have in Canada's immigration history and migration narratives. By comparing various administrative programs and policies on immigration, the paper identifies the continuous m...
June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada. Canada is a well-known multicultural country nowadays. The huge contribution of Indigenous Canadians is indispensable to this land and they have an important part in the history of Canada. National Indigenous History Month is a great opportunity ...
Government of Canada The creation of IPAs falls well within the priorities of the current Canadian federal government. In the 2018 budget, for example, the government set aside $1.3 billion for conservation. Furthermore, Canada agreed in theUN Convention on Biodiversity that 17 per cent of all ...
Canadian Indigenous education includes education for Indigenous learners at all levels and ages and learning about Indigenous peoples' history, cultures/knowledges, and languages for all learners in educational systems. In Canada, the journey of Indigenous people toward self-determination for Indigenous edu...
It's not the first time that Canada tries to divert attention from problems at home by pointing fingers at others. In May, remains of 215 indigenous children were found at the site of a former residential school in British Columbia, some of them were as young as three years old. Since ...
What is Indigenous education in Canada? That is a loaded and emotional question with a horrific history that only since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report released in 2015 are non-Indigenous Canadians beginning to slowly understand and address. Simply put, Indigenous education in ...
The month of June is National Indigenous History Month in the country now called Canada. It is a time for Canadians to reflect on the history, diversity, and strengths of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. National Indigenous History Month invites Indigenous peoples to celebrate their cul...
Examines Indigenous and settler perspectives of treaty making. Discusses the variation of treaties in Canada and the unique circumstances surrounding these events. Outlines the temporal and geographical history of the numbered treaties (beginning on the east) and ends with a discussion of the historical...
A new book by Gallatin’s Eugenia Kisin examines the role of aesthetics in protest, history, and cultural resistance and preservation.Marianne Nicolson, Oilspill: The Inevitability of Enbridge [2…
The Toronto region is rich with Indigenous history and can be experienced through tours, events, films and food.