: produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular region or environment indigenous plants 2 often capitalized : of or relating to the earliest known inhabitants of a place and especially of a place that was colonized Indigenous people indigenously adverb Medical Definition indigenous...
When capitalized,Native Americanspecifically refers to an Indigenous inhabitant of the Americas, especially of the lands that became known as the United States, or a descendant of such people. A person who was simply born in the US could be referred to as anative American, but such use should...
Most were Italian master craftsmen in Ghana who were capitalized by the British colonial government to develop infrastructure in the Gold Coast following devastating effects of the war. Some of the indigenous people learned from the Italians and also established construction firms. Thus, general ...
Indigenous researcher/community member/agency representative themselves and should not be a requirement but rather a choice explicitly made by the Indigenous person. (2) Words of significance: Terms that hold significant meaning to Indigenous Peoples should be capitalized. Capitalization signals proper ...
Identity development is one of the primary tasks of childhood and adolescence [1]. Prior to colonial contact in Alaska, children’s cultural identities developed through interactions with the Land (Land is capitalized when it is used to include land, water, air, and all beings, living and non...