However, despite commendable advancements, motivations and community support, like any other business owner, the Indigenous business owner’s journey is not without challenges. A common issue faced by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous businesses in Australia can be building scale from the start-up ph...
Australia: Grants To Help Indigenous Communities Tackle Family
Australia - Indigenous, Colonization, Federation: This article discusses the history of Australia from the arrival of European explorers in the 16th century to the present. For a more detailed discussion of Aboriginal culture, see Australian Aboriginal p
The Native Title Act 1993(Cth) (NTA) recognises and protects the rights and interests in Australia of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in land and waters according to their traditional laws and customs. These rights are...
I am a stitcher who bought her dream business! My business is Australia's first online patchwork shop! So we take orders from all over the world. We also have tours that come to the shop and we do morning teas. I love making people feel welcome, and making their visit a really happy...
Northern Territory - Indigenous, Autonomy, Self-Government: The Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act of 1978 established the Northern Territory as a self-governing entity. Under this act the Commonwealth of Australia transferred most of its governing
A just transition for Alaska means investing in regenerative industries like sustainable mariculture and ocean-healing crops such as kelp, while also supporting culturally informed eco-tourism that elevates local business with local returns. As we have previously written forNon-Profit Quarterly,“To ...
were all well-funded with hundreds of millions of Ringgit in grants, but have little, if anything to show for it. Most of, if not all of the grants given out by MBC to commercial companies failed to produce any commercialized intellectual property, as university research also failed to do....
Recent crises in Fiji and the Solomon Islands have provoked a new bout of concern about the rise of 'ethnic tension' in Melanesia, and media commentary about the 'arc of instability to the north of Australia'. (1) The temptation to blame these conflicts on communal politics...
In many Latin American countries or in Canada or Australia were density of population per sq km is around ten or less the indigenous peoples INDIGENOUS AND TRIBAL PEOPLES IN WORLD SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE 17 can afford to ...