一、Indifference curve 1. 为了更加具象化地表达理论,consumer choice between two goods,经济学家发明了两条重要的线来继续深入阐释理论,一条是 indifferencecurve,按名字就很好记定义,indifference 就是无差别,无所谓的意思,因为无差别所以无所谓。IC ...
The first relation between the geometric conditions for Giffenity implies that one curves fan out in the downward direction if and only if the other curves fan out in the upward direction. The second relation implies that the more sharply one curve bends, the flatter the other curve becomes ...
In indifference curve shows every possible bundle of goods that results in a certain level of utility. Usually utility is maximized relative to budget constraints where there is a mixed bundle of goods due to the law of diminishing returns....
Bundles with 'non-wasteful' use of both goods, for example 1 left shoe and 1 right show form the corner of an L for that indifference curve. Bundles A = (1,1) and B = (1,3) would lie on the same indifference curve for the example. ...