Today I want to blog about one of my favorite AMERICAN bands:She & Him.Zooey DeschanelandMatt Wardare a great pop music duo. They are considered an “indie” group, and are popular with Hipsters. Matt is a well known folk artist and singer-songwriter. Zooey is more famous as anactress,...
I just found an 2011 article (in English) in the Taipei Times, an interview with Cookie Chang about the making of the album, and the meaning behind some of the songs, including Firefly. (losing band members, and the death of her father, among other things) Definitely click that article ...
“Due to COVID-19, my father was unable to have a proper wake or funeral. We were forced to host a service via Zoom, and there was absolutely no closure. I wrote this song for him, and my band has shot an incredible music video as a tribute to honor the kind of man he was.”...
Tagged 舒舒與ㄅㄒ, link, music video, promo, ShuShu 舒舒, taiwan, Yi-Chi Lin 林易祺, 柴郡貓, 柴郡貓 CheshireCat Leave a comment July 21, 2016 柴郡貓首張專輯《再一次,旅行》音樂日記募資計畫 | flyingV Been meaning to tell you about this: 柴郡貓 CheshireCat crowdfunding her debut full...
Swedish songstress ORKID won us over with her cathchy single “Wasted” and her latest “Sneakers” is without a doubt is an excellent followup. Chock full of memorable lyrics and irrisitable hooks, ORKID leaves us addicted to more of her pop bops. As far as the meaning of “Sneakers”...
There was a certain emotional daring in the actors that captivated our attention. The suggested set; and the bits of costuming added to the atmosphere. Music, bells, percussions, drumming all provide powerful ambiance, floating in the air. The sparseness permitted the audience to use itsownimagi...
thirteen tracks of chaotic electro-punk pandemonium. You could equally change one of the vowels in the album title and it would be equally true, the music being so radically leftfield in its offbeat eccentricity, and with some riotously outlandish lyrical tales meaning its general weirdness causes...
Bored by indie or VR games ? Discover my 1st music album ! Crying Whales is an Indie Alternative Pop Rock Electro album, meaning the songs range from alternative rock and indie rock to electro and have the particularity of being sung by synthesized voices and often accompanied by guitar solos...
He is swift though a lightweight - meaning he can be knocked around easily if you can catch up to him. A unique mechanic Quote has is akin to how weapons upgrade in Cave Story. His neutral, forward, and down special can be upgraded from levels one to three by striking opponents with ...
‘How Goldfish Grow’kicks off the album drenched in bright peppy vibes and crunching guitars. It’s bright bubbly indie with melancholic dark undertones adding depth to the track. They keep their sound radiant and glowy while slapping a nice bit of passion and meaning on top.‘Singularity ...