etats unis, polucion del agua, evaluacion, pollution de l'eau, comportement economique, evaluation, eua, riesgo, impact sur l'environnement, systeme d'exploitation agricole, calidad del agua, comportamiento economico, sistemas de explotacion, agriculture alternative, impacto ambiental, qualite de l'...
the middle-deep aquifer is classified as having a low to medium vulnerability. According to WQI andCdindices, the unconfined aquifer is highly polluted due to its proximity to the urban area. On the other hand, the middle-deep aquifer shows excellent groundwater quality. These results ...
Un Indicator Global para la Calidad del Agua. Apl. Aguas Superf. Comunidad Valencia. Estad. Esp. 2004, 156, 357–384. 31. Nikoo, M.R.; Kerachian, R.; Malakpour-Estalaki, S.; Bashi-Azghadi, S.N.; Azimi-Ghadikolaee, M.M. A probabilistic water quality index for river water ...