Additionally, several bacterial species possess orthologs of eukaryotic mitochondrial sulfide oxidation pathway enzymes and can presumably dispose sulfide following its oxidation (23, 29, 30). Recently, bacterial proteins that are natural fusions between PDO and rhodanese have been identified (23). ...
To evaluate the reproducibility of IP-MS interactions by western blot analysis, we used the following criteria: if a band at the expected molecular weight was detected in the IP lane, the interaction was considered to be “replicated” only if the signal exceeded the negative control (IgG lane...
Both wild-type and Pro(30)-substituted AHSPs drive the formation of a met-α hemichrome conformation following binding to either met- or oxy(Fe(2+))-α. The dissociation rate of the met-α·AHSP complex (k(AHSP) ≈ 0.002 s(-1)) is 100-fold slower than that for ferrous α·AHSP ...
Methods commonly used for distinguishing between anthropogenic and geogenic sources of PTE include element speciation, profile distribution, and spatial distribution. Exploitation of PTE speciation is based on the following assumptions (Förstner, 1987): (i) pollutant bonding is weaker in polluted ...
Ankrd2 is a member of the Muscle Ankyrin Repeat Protein family (MARPs), consisting of sarcomere-associated proteins that can also localize in the nucleus. There are indications that MARPs might function as shuttle proteins between the cytoplasm and nucleus, likely sending information to the nucleus...
This hypothesis is plausible for the following two reasons: (i) enzyme activity varies depending on the relative substrate availability [several studies have reported that the addition of a substrate caused elevation of enzyme activity that targets the added substrate (Shackle et al., 2000)], and...
It was recently shown that N-terminal Leu is recognized by CLPS1 but that the following residue (the P2′ position) greatly affects the affinity, with Arg and also Gly enhancing the affinity but Leu, Ser, and Ala reducing affinity (68). Leu was followed by a Ser for HugZ-3 and DUF...
The alignment of the murine PrP segment 121–197 with segment 49–137 in the rat signal peptidase was performed with the routine BESTFIT contained in the GCG sequence analysis program (Version 8) [47]with the following default parameters: gap creation penalty: 3.00; gap extension penalty: 0.10...
The present study addressed the following questions and hypotheses concerning the phylogenetic structure of forest communities in the regenerating forests of Hong Kong: 2. Methods 2.1. Forest vegetation species data Plant community composition data was surveyed along a secondary forest successional gradient...
DA receptors are also G-protein coupled receptors and are classified into two main categories, D1 and D2, based on the characteristic synaptic response following activation (Cools and Van Rossum, 1976; Garau et al., 1978; Kebabian and Calne, 1979; Missale et al., 1998). Through a ...