威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。 儿童危害或剥削 与儿童色情、儿童裸体或其他儿童虐待或剥削有关的任何链接或讨论。 攻击性内容 不适当或冒犯性的任何成人主题内容。 病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件 指向病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件或钓鱼站点的...
Thus, in order to achieve a reliable and quality management, the goal of this study is to estimate eco-nomic indicators for a medical devices. In this methodology was implemented a case study for a hospital.J.A.N. LeiteP. AvelarR. AlvesV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering...
高效工作 与你的浏览器兼容 描述 Todos los indicadores económicos de Chile del día actual 无用户评价 排序方式 尚无人评价此扩展。抢先添加评价。 详细信息 版本1.0已更新 2020年9月18日1 语言可用 开发人员 Andres Puebla Lastarria 中的其他加载项 ...
Social and Economic Indicators of Agricultural Production for the Brazilian Economy (Indicadores Econômicos e Sociais da Produção Agrícola para a Economia Brasileira)indicadoresagroindústriamatriz insumo-produtoBrazil has about 30% of GDP from agribusiness sectors. This shows the importance of ...
U.S: How Sensitive are Economic Indicators to Monetary Policy?BBVA Research