Policy premium is based on numerous factors including: class codes assigned to your business and employees, estimated payroll, covered states, prior policies, owner experience and previous workers compensation claims. See Indiana workers' comp insurance laws What Does Indiana Workers' Comp Cover? Indian...
The opt-out effort was the focus of aninvestigation by ProPublica and NPRlast fall, which found thatthe plansalmost universally had lower benefits and more restrictions than workers’ comp.… [I]n recent years, well-known corporations, led by Walmart and Lowe’s, have been pushing states to...
Chuck NeubauerMark Brown
“All markets need to be regulated to stop imbecilic managment and shareholders causing National Security disasters”. The sad thing is the US due to “Lemon Laws” with vehicles, actually proved that regulation can be good for markets. Prior to that vehicle manufacture was a “race to ...
Pat Murphy