Indiana University chemistry professor Rolla Harger’s Drunkometer was a predecessor of today’s breathalyzer. Ironically, this second version was created by another Indiana University professor. The earlier Drunkometer model used a rubber balloon and purple liquid to measure a person’s alcohol consum...
In September of 1980, my phone rang in my college dorm room at Western Michigan University. It was my mom calling from Ohio to let me know about something that had happened to her and my sister. My grandpa had died a few days before in Indiana. He had been the only male resident of...
“People are scared of things that are different." Bodie Moore is an incredible costume designer. I think his Edward Scissorhands costume speaks for itself. He is a student at Northern Kentucky University in their theatre program. Bodie Moore Bodie Moore "It’s just a bunch of ...
I earned my broadcasting degree from Vincennes University and lived in Vincennes from summer 2017 until fall 2019. After going to school in the morning and early afternoon, I would go to work at one of the city's major retailers from about 4 p.m. until 11 p.m. My buddies and I would...
Bergstrom at the University of Washington, the author of a book “Calling Bullshit” (website He has been testing ChatGPT. He has already found issues. I suggested a prompt to feed ChatGPT, and he fed it to the bot. (I am not going to get on ChatGPT be...