ICLEO includes a six-week summer session, where participants take introductory classes with law school professors (we took contracts, property, legal writing, and criminal procedure), and meet with Indiana lawyers, Federal Judges, and Indiana Supreme Court Justices. Justice David, who is set to r...
The Indiana Supreme Court is made up of five judges with a Court of Appeals composed of 15 judges. The governor selects judges for the supreme and appeals courts from a group of applicants chosen by a special commission. After serving for two years, the judges must acquire the support of ...
During Governor Hanley’s administra-tion, in 1907, the General Assembly also authorized circuit and criminal court judges to suspend the sentences of persons convicted of some crimes, both felonies and mis-demeanors, and to be placed under supervision, a form of probation or parole. From ...
Indiana is one of just six states that does not require counsel for children in child welfare cases in any situation, according to the National Association of Counsel for Children. Although Indiana Code § 31-32-4-2 does give state court judges the discretion to appoint counsel for children ...
He did include infor-mation on new laws dealing with such subjects as marriage between first cousins, the prevention of the sale of diseased horses and mules, open season on squirrels, and the wages of Superior and Circuit Court Judges. The Session also passed laws on child abandonment, under...
I hope fellow citizens wake up to see what is unfolding before our very eyes. There is a lot of hatred going around, but it is not from the likes of the owners of this pizza shop.