In fall of 2020, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parkstook its full hunting certification and education program online. It allows for residents ages 16 and older to complete the education requirements via the web. Anyone who is under 16 still has to participate in classroom...
- Total hunting license, tags, permits and stamps: 447,761 - Gross cost of all hunting licenses: $11,114,179 In June 2020, the Trump administration overturned an Obama-era ban on certain hunting and trapping styles on Alaskan national preserves.The rule, which went into effect in July 202...
Keep in mind that some jobs—those without special training, licensing, or educational requirements like secret shoppers and customer service reps—are more susceptible to this scam than others. Be aware of any out-of-the-ordinary hiring procedures, like being offered a job without an interview. ...