Nearing academic retirement in 1969 and after losing his son to the Vietnam War, a crippling grief that almost cost him his marriage, the archaeologist was pulled into an adventure with his goddaughter Helena Shaw and forced to confront the legacy of World War II when he found himself up aga...
The writers at theIndiana Public Retirement Systemwebsite have some free calculators that can help you determine your teacher retirement benefits. You must enter your date of birth, average salary and PERF and TRF service years. Enter your projected retirement date, name a survivor and the calcula...
I hated reading when I was small. I even distinctly remember the reading contest we had at school and my plan was to game the system by reading very short books that were, on second thought, probably board books from my babyhood.
Public Storage4.5 Area Manager Job In Indianapolis, IN Public Storage is the self-storage industry leader and we are Hiring Now! Earn $14.00 Per Hour Our Benefits Total Rewards package available to our team: We work Flexible and Full-Time Schedules between the hours of 9:30am and 6pm (week...
Oakwood sets itself apart due to its Department of Public Safety—under its system, personnel working for it are certified as EMS officers, firefighters, and police officers. The close-knit, relaxed community was founded by John Henry Patterson, who also created the National Cash Register Corporati...
The Huffington Post has called the Early Television Museum in Hilliard, Ohio, "where old TVs go to live." And this "retirement home" contains some antique television sets that go back to the earliest days of the "boob tube"—as far back as 1928, the year of the first American TV broad...
To contrast the speed of electronic mail with that of the U.S. Post Office, Jim Rutt is said to have first used the phrase ‘snail mail’ in 1981, and the term spread from there. Created in the 1980s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, theZephyr Notification Systemwas used for...
NorthwestIndiana’sWorkforce InvestmentBoardscalledameetingoftheregionsfully integratedsteelindustry,USWA,andtheInstituteforCareer andDevelopment.Themainissuewastheagingskilled workforceandthepotentialformassiveretirements,losing seniorskilledworkforce.Attheconclusionofthemeetingan agreementwasreachedtotakepositiveaction...
“Mr. Hicks quit the bus body business in 1956, but remained active in other businesses until retirement in 1965. He had a very keen, innovative mind and his counsel was often sought by other engineering firms. His sons were in business with him. ...