Digital Equity Detail Editor Note the following: Use theFederal/State Program Updatertool to import Digital Equity information to this tool. For OLR Prime users, see theOLR Federal Program Posting Setuparticle for information on adding Digital Equity fields (and other Federal Program fields) to the...
This article provides information on entering Indiana specific data to the Section Student Detail tool.
DELETE / POST PUT A DELETE / POST will be performed if the data element being altered is part of the resource's natural key. A PUT will be performed otherwise. When the following information on the event is changed: Arrest When the following information on the resolution is changed: ...
When the student is in a course where the State Code value is the test selected on the extract editor, the Primary teacher reports. The teacher has a District Assignment (set on the section); however, the report considers the Primary Teacher area of the section and not the District Assignme...
Home Glossary Release Information
Home Glossary Release Information
Home Glossary Release Information
ActionTrigger Post When a new Calendar is created. Do not send a record if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked. Do not send a record if the School Exclude checkbox is marked. When a new Schedule Structure in an existing Calendar is created and saved. ...
Student Course Completion Report Editor Report Logic Students only report one record per section ID per collection period. The exception to this rule is for students who are scheduled into courses that offer dual credit. A record does not report if a student drops a course at any time during ...
Classes that have the Attendance checkbox marked are included. Any period marked as Non-Instructional is not included. Summer school attendance is not reported. All days are reported as either whole (1) or half (.5) day. If a student is physically present, then Campus assumes they are IA:...