Records cannot overlap. Click here to expand... End Date Reports the end date for the Digital Equity record. Records cannot overlap. Click here to expand... Internet Access in Residence Indicates the student has access to the internet at the student's place of learning, usually the student'...
Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day. They allow the school calendars to have multiple schedules in one calendar, instead of having one calendar ...
you can visit a Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Provider and leave their office with coverage. Most hospitals are MPE providers and Erie Family Health Center is an MPE provider. You can call them at 312-666-3494 or 847-666-3494 if you live in the suburbs of Chicago. Once you are approved...
A record does not report if a student drops a course at any time during the school year unless the roster end date falls after the course end date. In other words, Student Information > General > Schedule > End Date is not NULL. ...
This article provides information on entering Indiana specific data to the Section Student Detail tool.
Home Glossary Release Information
Period Schedule Instructional minutes Campus uses the values entered in the Half Day % and Whole Day % fields to calculate the absence thresholds. Calculates based on the Period schedule assigned to the Day Campus uses the Instructional Minutes X the Half Day % - 1 as the threshold for a day...
Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed. This allows the Scheduling Board to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed. A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data. ...
Home Glossary Release Information
all students who are active on the day the report is run report. The report selects students based on student enrollment AND current course schedule. Collection 2 (or Period 4 for ECA) students who meet the following criteria: - Enrollment begins on or after the Start Date of the report’...