Home Glossary Release Information
Indiana’s Medicaid program serves vulnerable populations in the state including children, those who are pregnant, the disabled, and the aged. It’s simple to qualify for Medicaid based on income. For example, if you are over the age of 19 and making around $1500 a month, you likely quali...
This article provides information on entering Indiana specific data to the Section Student Detail tool.
Records cannot overlap. Click here to expand... End Date Reports the end date for the Digital Equity record. Records cannot overlap. Click here to expand... Internet Access in Residence Indicates the student has access to the internet at the student's place of learning, usually the student'...
DELETE / POST PUT A DELETE / POST will be performed if the data element being altered is part of the resource's natural key. A PUT will be performed otherwise. When the following information on the event is changed: Arrest When the following information on the resolution is changed: ...
The exceptionality area that describes the special education student’s primary eligibility classification. See thePrimary Exceptionality Codesfollowing this table. The following collections only report locked IEPs that have not been end dated by the date on which the report is generated: ...
Home Glossary Release Information
Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked. Do not send a record if the School Exclude checkbox is marked. Put When any field not part of the Natural Key is changed: Period Start Period End Delete When a Period Schedule or Period Name is updated and saved. ...
Post When a new Calendar is created. Do not send a record if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked. Do not send a record if the School Exclude checkbox is marked. When a new Schedule Structure in an existing Calendar is created and saved. ...
Home Glossary Release Information