Indiana LLC: How To Start an LLC in Indiana in 12 Steps Setting up an Indiana LLC means taking advantage of the Hoosier State’s low taxes and proximity to large midwestern cities. Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial This post is for information only. You are respo...
Why Do You Need to Do a Business Entity Search When Starting an LLC? Everyone deserves to know who they are giving their money to. To protect customers, as well as business owners, Indiana requires every business to have a unique name. Before spending too long coming up with a name you...
This one-stop-shop integrates essential procedures from the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Revenue and the Department of Workforce Development. Even with guidance from INBiz, LLC formation can be challenging when you’re unfamiliar with Indiana’s rules and regulations. That be...
Next, you’ll need to choose the business structure that you’ll register with theIndiana Secretary of State. This can be anything between anLLC, an S-corporation, a sole proprietorship, or other available options. Nowadays, this can be done with anonline filing, though you may want to con...
LLC Formation Packages:Basic Package ($0 + $98 State Fee): Offer online welcoming business formation services, LLC filing, plus company name search. You also receive a customizable website powered by WIX. Pro Package ($249 + $98 State Fee): This package is excellent since you get every...
As a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, you'll need an employer identification number, or EIN. Sole proprietors may use their SSN to pay taxes. However, they may require an EIN if they have a 401(k) or Keogh retirement plan, hire employees, form an LLC or file for bankruptcy. Th...
state but a different public-facing name that they use when interacting with customers. For example, a business could be legally registered as Chesuncook Holdings LLC but do business as Bob’s Flower Store. You can list your DBA when you file your Indiana Certificate of Assumed Business Name....
LLCs, LLPs, LPs, corporations, and non-profits If you own an LLC, limited liability partnership (LLP), limited partnership (LP), or corporation (for-profit or non-profit), you must file your DBA application with the secretary of state’s office using aCertificate of Assumed Business Name...
Brooks Kraft LLC/Corbis // Getty Images 1949: Central Intelligence Agency Act After its creation two years earlier, the CIA was awarded more powers with the passage of the Central Intelligence Agency Act signed into law by President Truman. The act allowed the organization to employ confidential ...
of their personal income tax filing. An Indiana LLC can choose to be taxed as a C corporation, meaning the business pays taxes on its profit at a rate of 4.9%. Indiana also levies a 7% sales tax on retail purchases. Merchants collect sales tax from customers and remit it to the state...