The Portraits of Andrew Gosnell Regimental History: th Regimental History Honor Your Union Ancestors, Sons ofUnionVeterans of theCivilWar John W. Foster Camp No. 2 Department of Indiana SUVCW National Headquarters SUVCW Major Battles The 31st Indiana Volunteer Infantry RegimentParticipated in: ...
73rd Regiment Infantry Organized at South Bend, Ind., and mustered in August 16, 1862. Ordered to Lexington, Ky. Evacuation of Lexington August 31. Attached to 20th Brigade, 6th Division, Army of the Ohio, September, 1862. 20th Brigade, 6th Division, 2nd Corps, Army of the Ohio, to N...
Indiana provided 195,285 men to the Union Army in 13 regiments and 3 independent companies of cavalry; 1 heavy artillery regiment, 26 light artillery batteries, and 153 regiments of infantry. Most of them fought in the west, but a small number found their way to the Eastern Theater. * ...
Chapter 12 Individual Records Civil War-History of 12th Indiana Volunteers From Vicksburg to Raleigh Regimental Roster - 12th Regiment Indiana Volunteers Infantry County History Early Settlement of Kosciusko County by "Greybeard" Chapter 1 Early Settlement of Kosciusko County by "Greybeard" Chapter 2 Ear...
TheIndy Elevenare a professional men’s soccer team that was founded in 2013 and play at the IU Michael A Carroll Track & Soccer Stadium. The team’s name references the 11 players on the field and the 11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which served the Union in the Civil War. ...