Kershaw responded by saying he did sit her down, but only asked if he’d have to grab her by the (expletive) nose like a bull to stop her. The issue was her son went hunting on his land and he didn't like it. OK, sure, it’s just theNational Enquirer,but more reputable outlets...
These day dates are great for the rescues - it gets them some exercise and new information to help us get them adopted. It’s been a big hit- so don’t miss out!47 (Otherwise) Good Pets Caught Doing Bad Things No matter how well they're trained, at some point in time, a pet's...
The first settlement by the Virginia Company in the New World, Jamestown, Va., was chosen for itseasily defensible location. Though no Native American tribes lived on the land, it was the hunting land of the local Powhatan. The first few years were rough for the settlers—many of whom suc...
The first settlement by the Virginia Company in the New World, Jamestown, Va., was chosen for itseasily defensible location. Though no Native American tribes lived on the land, it was the hunting land of the local Powhatan. The first few years were rough for the settlers—many of whom suc...
A common criticism ofRaidersis that Indiana Jones isn’t relevant to the conclusion of his movie, but actively defeating the villains wasn’t the point of any oftheIndiana Jonesfilms. Indy’s reunion with Marion, his rejection of treasure hunting for “fortune and glory,” reconnecting with hi...
(Ethann Isidore) who at one point gets kidnapped and held hostage but at other points takes out the biggest Nazi goon and figures out how to hotwire and fly a Cessna. I love when he lectures her about violating their code of only treasure hunting “for the right reasons” but by “the...