Health insurance exists to protect you from substantial medical costs. Each plan is an agreement between you and the health insurance company about the services they will cover, how much you will pay, and how much they will pay. Find health plans > ...
If you ever need help dealing with the health insurance company regarding claims, billing or need any assistance, we'll be there for you. We have the best prices Prices are fixed by law. We will have the best prices on any health plan we sell. ...
If you ever need help dealing with the health insurance company regarding claims, billing or need any assistance, we'll be there for you. We have the best prices Prices are fixed by law. We will have the best prices on any health plan we sell. ...
Plans insured by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Healthcare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of South Carolina, Inc., and Cigna Healthcare of Texas, Inc. ...
We understand the challenges you face when it comes to structuring health benefits for your company or your family. The process is complex. You are facing rising premium costs, medical inflation, increased prescription costs and regulatory uncertainty. We help identify your goals and wrap services,...
A list of the top 50 public companies in Indiana is presented. On the top position is health insurance company Wellpoint Inc., its CEO is Larry C. Glasscock and is located in Indianapolis. Following Wellpoint are Eli...
Healthiest Employers® was started in 2009 as a way to celebrate companies that are putting their people first by investing in the health of their employees. In partnership with Springbuk, we are pleased to announce the 2024 Healthiest Employers of Indiana. Each company filled out our annual ...
By the way - The rates are the same whether you work through us or go directly to the insurance company. Why not let us do all the dirty work with researching plans, so you can do what’s more important to you. Our sincere goal is to see that you get the best plan available at ...
“If you are a member of an IU Health Plans employer-sponsored plan, your employer will inform you of any changes to your health insurance benefits,” it said. Elevance is Indiana’s largest public company , with revenue of $171.3 billion in 2023. As of the end of September, its ...
Life and Health Insurance Manager Melissa has been with the company for over 5 years and manages the benefits department, including life, health, vision, dental, and short-term and long-term disability insurance. Outside of work, Melissa enjoys photography, spending time with family, local spor...