Health insurance exists to protect you from substantial medical costs. Each plan is an agreement between you and the health insurance company about the services they will cover, how much you will pay, and how much they will pay. Find health plans > ...
Plans insured by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Healthcare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna Healthcare of South Carolina, Inc., and Cigna Healthcare of Texas, Inc. ...
The Federal government may also open a Special Enrollment Period. If you don’t have health insurance, an ACA health plan could be the right coverage for you and your family. All ACA plans are required to cover 10 essential benefits, including emergency services, maternity care, and prescriptio...
*In some states, the tax credit only applies to Qualifying Health Plans (QHPs) bought through government exchanges. Other restrictions may apply. Small businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees that pay average annual wages of $25,000 or less may qualify for the full credit. The amou...
Shop Indiana health insurance rates and easily enroll. Instantly review Senior Medicare and private Marketplace coverage for all companies.
Hoosier Healthwise:This low-cost government health insurance plan is offered to pregnant women, children, and low-income families. Phone: (317) 232-4946 HoosierRx:This program may pay the monthly Part D premium for senior citizens. Phone: (866) 267-4679 ...
The situation is devastating the economic health of the state and the problem of uninsured will only get worse as their numbers increase. Some ways are suggested to the government to improve provision of ...
(AP) -- A dispute between Indiana and federal Medicaid officials over Indiana's new abortion law cutting off some public funding for Planned Parenthood should be resolved by government administrators and not the courts, Indiana Solicitor General Thomas F
The State of Indiana’s Health Insurance Program Indiana’s Medicaid program serves vulnerable populations in the state including children, those who are pregnant, the disabled, and the aged. It’s simple to qualify for Medicaid based on income. For example, if you are over the age of 19 ...
Let us take the worry and stress out of your health insurance plans. Our goal is to find the quality coverage you need at the price you can afford.