Muskrats look very similar to beavers, minus the large, flat tail but are really more closely related to other members of the rodent family like mice and rates. Some key characteristics of themuskrat according to Indiana DNRinclude: long, dark reddish-brown fur along back and sides with more...
often at the base of infected or dying trees, or nearby large structural roots. In the spring, ascospores are produced by the “fingers”, creating a bluish bloom on the tips of the fingers. Cutting into a finger reveals a white interior with black bubbles that...
It may take several weeks before the park can assess the full extent of the damage caused by downed trees on the trails, buildings and utility systems, but it appears that the park survived the "Blizzard of 98" in remarkably good condition. [Rich Littlefield, INDU, 3/13] Friday, April 3...