Support Our Party! The Indiana Green Party advocates and operates through the generous support of Greens throughout Indiana. Contributing to the Indiana Green Party allows us to expand our local Greens organizations, cultivate our peace and democracy efforts and resource Green candidates around the sta...
You may also like: How top Democratic candidates compare on major issues 1969: Tax Reform Act White House Photo // Wikimedia Commons 1969: Tax Reform Act The Tax Reform Act of 1969 is the first legislation to make the distinction between grant-making and service-providing institutions. It was...
Indiana has no challenged races for statewide elected offices in this year’s primary and it is uncertain whether the Democratic presidential race will remain undecided. Multiple candidates are seeking nominations for congressional seats being given up by Democratic Rep. Pete Visclosky and Republican Re...
Indiana wins because democrats workDiscusses the management focus of political candidates from the Indiana State Democratic Party. 1994 slate of Democratic candidates for statewide state offices.Delaney, AnnIndianapolis Business ...
The AP does not make projections and will declare a winner only when it’s determined there is no scenario that would allow the trailing candidates to close the gap. If a race has not been called, the AP will continue to cover any newsworthy developments, such as can...
The two major-party candidates for governor of Indiana have released their education agendas, and they couldn’t be any more different. Republican Mike Braun wants to further expand Indiana’s already radical school choice programs, protect “parent rights” and double down on the culture wars.De...
certain counties in the southern part of the state will vote Democratic. Marion County, Indiana's most populous county, supported the Republican candidates from 1968 to 2000, before backing the Democrats in the 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 elections. Indiana's second-most populous county, ...
Encourage more independent candidates to run for office by making ballot access laws equal to the current access requirements for Republicans and Democrats. The reason I am a write-in candidate is because, as a third-party candidate, I had to get 27,699 signatures on a petition to be granted...
How female candidates are doing tonight Women running for Senate, House and governor in Indiana and Ohio and their results in the Democratic and Republican primaries, as of 6:20 p.m. Eastern CANDIDATEOFFICEPARTY% REPORTINGVOTE SHARESTATUS Jennifer-Ruth Green IN-01 R 0% 0.0% — Blair E. Mil...
Ryan has been running as the presumptive nominee for months now, looking to both take on the numerous candidates in the Republican primary while also attempting to win back the longtime Democratic voters who have left the party over in Ohio. It’s an uphill climb for the lon...