185 Stimulus Money & Family Law What does the distributing of the stimulus money mean for you, your children, child support and your family law case? 725 Summer Parenting Time Schedule Noncustodial parent's summer parenting time schedule is due to the custodial parent on April 1st! 1,361...
Allen voluntarily participated in the interview after being read his Miranda rights. He provided a detailed account of his whereabouts on the day of the murders, claiming to be at the Monon High Bridge trail from approximately noon to 1:30 pm. Allen stated he observed three girls on the trai...
3 1 -3 7 -4 -1 , 2 or 5 Waiver of rights: I.C. 31-32-5-1 Child must knowingly & voluntarily join in waiver This must be after a meaningful consultation with parent/ guardian/ custodian (no interest adve 7、rse to child) custodial interrogation I.C. 3 1 -3 2 -5 -4 ...