Human Services, Inc., a Community Action Agency, offers a variety of assistance to families and individuals in need. Coaching For Success Initiative The Coaching For Success Initiative moves people forward to a better quality of life. More Info ...
COVER PAGEINSTITUTION: Indiana State UniversityCOLLEGE: College of Nursing, Health, Human ServicesDEPARTMENT: Athletic TrainingDEGREE PROGRAM TITLE: D
Highlights of Hamilton County, Indiana It's been a several years since I've visited Hamilton County, which is about 30 miles from Indianapolis, Indiana, so I enjoyed virtually revisiting the area with Francesca and her family. This story spotlights several of the favorite places I saw during ...
Indiana County Indiana County Assessors Association Indiana County Child Day Care Indiana County Community Action Program, Inc. Indiana County Department of Human Services Indiana County Municipal Services Authority Indiana County Solid Waste Authority Indiana County Technology Center Indiana County, PA Indian...
empowerment, education, consensus building, and information system development strategies to strengthen community, ensure the efficient and effective delivery of needed services, and address the unique needs of families requiring public assistance from a host of public and private agencies in Lake County....
Focuses on the enhancement of community life through improved care coordination linking new technologies to the human service delivery process in Lake County, Indiana. Enhancement of community-based services; Development of rules of data transaction and data standards; Deployment of a secure messaging/...