Rain and cold weather this spring have delayed the start of oneof Indiana's largest industries...Higgins, Jessie
For corn (Zea mays L.) and crop reporting districts (CRD) in Indiana, dates by which 50% of the corn acreage had been planted, silked, and matured were used to examine the trends in length of the corn vegetative and grain-filling periods, measured in both days and thermal units from ...
Corn, Soybean Planting Goes Well in Northeast Indiana.LeDuc, Doug
Effect of eight tillage-planting systems on soil temperature, percent stand, plant growth, and yield of corn on five Indiana soils. Agron. J. 65, 321-326.Griffith,DR,Mannering,JV,Galloway,HM,Parsons,SD,Rickey,CB.Effect of eight tillage-planting systems on soil temperature, percent stand, ...