Social media interactions invariably include trolling, where disruptive or annoying comments are made online, and gender trolling is one aspect of trolling. Gender trolling in India has turned ugly, with mischievous and offensive tweets transforming into threats. However, far too little research has ex...
We get a sample of the range Shaoni possesses as she takes us through ghazals and film songs with equal aplomb. In the next episode, we will talk to another talent hunt contest participant – Rex D’Souza –finalist in Fame Gurukul. Happy Listening! - Piya and Deb...
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Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Intimate partner violence Sexual violence Physical violence NFHS-5 IndiaDownload...
Each day you will receive newly registered domain names, along with it's whois record containing contact details (Name, Email, Phone & more) of the domain owner, whenever available. You also get instant access to database of previous 15 days when you subscribe. Over 4 Million domains are ...
If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creative...
A high NDVI value will result from a solution produced by the NDVI formula having less reflectance (low value) in the red channel, greater reflectance in the NIR channel, and vice versa. Figure 4a,b depicts the NDVI of Ranchi and Dhanbad for 2019 and 2022. This is mainly illustrated to ...
The purpose of this study is to describe sleep, PA, and screen time behaviors among rural American Indian (AI) youth, stratified by sex and grade, to better understand how to address these health behaviors in AI youth. Body composition, a screen time sur
The exam format for Indian army is simple, the Army GD exam will contain objective type question and will be worth 100 marks. 30% questions asked will be from maths, 30% from general knowledge and the remaining 40% questions will be from general science. The questions will be 12th based ...
The analytical framework will therefore include the categories 4.1 Role of the teacher; 4.2 Role of the learner from the teachers’ perspective; 4.3 Teacher´s beliefs and self-image; 4.4 Forms and methods of learning as well as the 4.5 Learning environment. Sampling and Methods Face to face...