The Urban American Indian Traditional Spirituality Program is a structured curriculum for American Indian community members that introduces and orients participants to meaningful engagement with sacred practices associated with the sweat lodge ceremony. The signature innovation of this program was the ...
Several AIM members stand next to a sweat lodge erected on a hill below the Sacred Heart Church during the occupation of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, 1973. For 71 days, as federal marshals and the FBI cordoned off the area and refused to allow the press inside...
Warming the spirit; Every so often, a few American Indian men meet behind a suburban Presbyterian church and participate in a tribal ritual known as a sweat lodge ceremony.(NEWS)(FAITH & VALUES) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者: LT Beatty ...
He thrust the key rapidly into the keyhole for a desire stirred in him to slip past the porter’s lodge unobserved. “I seem almost to be–ashamed!” he murmured with a smile of self-derision as a similar impulse overcame him in front of the house door. But John, his man–a ...
The sun had disappeared behind the hills, and the old man still sat gazing into the burn- ing embers, when he heard a horse’s footfall at the door of his lodge. “Ho, atay (father)!” came the welcome call. “Mechinkshe! mechinkshe!” (my son, my son), he replied in unrestra...
S. exigua and others were used to make the framework of the sweat lodge (in Blackfoot, tsiskani), which was then covered with skins and filled with steam produced by pouring water over hot rocks. After profuse sweating had been in- duced, an individual was taken out and doused with, ...
sorttherockstobeusedinthesweat-lodge--sevenrocksforamedicinesweat,say,or 13forthesummersolsticeceremony.(Therocksarelaterheatedanddousedwithwater tocreatepurifyingsteam.)Andhewastaughttolearnmathematicsbycountingthesticks weuseinourtraditionalnativehandgame.SoIrealizehemaybeslowingraspingthe methodsandtoolsthat...
religious ones, to be sung by a certain class either through initiation or inheritance; social ones, involving dances and games, always sung by a group; and ones to be sung singly, including dream songs, love songs, captive songs, prayer songs, death songs, sweat lodge songs, and songs of...
wiwin, or Medicine ceremony. The preceding three days and nights had been spent by the four masters, led by Terrible-eagle, in preparing Little-wolf within a room, formed by curtaining off one end of the lodge proper; in giving him his ceremonial sweat bath of purification; and in ...