and Inuit, but in practice it is generally restricted to the peoples of the United States and Canada. For native peoples in the rest of the hemisphere, usage generally favorsIndianby itself or, less frequently, the contractionsAmerindianorAmerind.See Usage Notes atFirst Nation,Indian,Native Ameri...
The meaning of BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS is Interior Department agency that serves as the principal link between federally recognized Native American populations (officially, American Indian tribes) and the U.S. government. The BIA, which has its headquar
The existing Land Use Capability Classification for India is almost the true copy of United States Department of Agriculture Land Use Capability Classification system with very few minor changes; and thus it is mainly based on the Agro-economic structure of USA. As a result, many fertile and pro...
And these great kings (Rajasthan means ‘Land of Kings’) didn’t do things by half; their homes were designed to flaunt. But in 1947 when all the region’s ‘princely states’ were absorbed into the Union of India during independence, these royals lost their land and their income, and ...
California Indian, member of any of the Native American peoples who have traditionally resided in the area roughly corresponding to the present states of California (U.S.) and northern Baja California (Mex.). The peoples living in the California culture area at the time of first European conta...
Asian Indians represent a significant portion of the largest growing race of Asians in the past decade in the United States. This selective review examines major cultural themes related to first- and second-generation Asian Indians living in the United States as they impact psychological and psychiat...
and Kuncham are commonly used in South India. In East Indian states like West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura, common land measurement units include Chatak, Dhur, Kattha, and Lecha. In the Western Indian states like Rajasthan and Gujarat, units like Bigha, Biswa, and Biswansi are highly popular...
Sutar G, Singh S, Kaul N, Khandelwal S and Singhal R 2023 Prediction of maximum air temperature for defining heat wave in Rajasthan and Karnataka states of India using machine learning approach; Remote Sens. Appl.: Soc. Env. 32 101048, Suthar...
Define Bureau of Indian Affairs. means the Bureau of Indian Affairs within the United States Department of the Interior.
Type: Residential area Location: Pima County, Arizona, Southwest, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude32.26716° or 32° 16' 2" north Longitude-110.80002° or 110° 48' 0" west Open Location Code854F758X+VX OpenStreetMap IDway 1053450660 OpenStreet...