1. A peninsula and subcontinent of southern Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains, occupied by India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 2. A country of southern Asia covering most of the Indian subcontinent. Aryans from the northwest invaded c. 1500 bc, pushing Dravidian and other peopl...
The Indian Himalayan Region spreads through 10 states of India namely, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and hill regions of Assam and West Bengal. The Great Himalayas Mountain ranges is the world’s highest ...
“ Has the open border situation not greased the movement of rebel elements from Nepal to India and back, as exemplified during the years of the Maoist insurgency?
its spillover effect is also seen in Nepal when a considerable size of Muslim population residing in Birganj-a Nepali town bordering India in the South, came against the BJP’s functionary thereby hinting that India’s BJP sponsored religio-fanaticism may destabilize ...
Many Member States with coastlines bordering the Indian Ocean, including India, Oman and Pakistan, and other Member States in the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and South Asia, called for the revision of the coordinates of the high-risk area, since no incidents of piracy east of longit...
Regional Centre on Small Arms for the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States, and the Southern African Development Community, which mainly deals with small arms issues through the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization, have continued to...
Many of the cases are from Chin State, bordering India, raising concerns that the more transmissible variant first found there is now spreading in Myanmar. "Three people died yesterday alone. Many got scared," Lang Khan Khai from the Zomi Care and Development aid group told Reuters from the...
Provided that such goods are imported by or on behalf of the Government or a country bordering on India or that the importer undertakes to produce within a specified period evidence that such goods have crossed the borders of India or in default to pay such penalty as the proper officer of ...
Became a matter of dispute between the states of Punjab and Haryana. Chandighar Planned city designed by Mont Corbusier bordering Himachal Pradesh and Punjab Chandragupta Gupta (308 A.D. - 375 A.D..) Founder of the Gupta dynasty during whose reign the Indian arts and culture prospered ...
A king, observed Kautilya, will always find a bordering state hostile, and should seek an ally to the rear of that hostile state. Likewise, this enemy state will seek an ally on the other side of the king, and so too will those states seek allies likewise. Thus Kautilya explained: The...